Lessons from a month of vlogging alongisde dental school

Jian Kiat
2 min readAug 2, 2020

Just uploaded the 2nd episode of my vlog! We just saw our first patients and things are getting exciting.

In this story, I am going to be sharing some lessons I have learnt so far with respect to juggling this along side with school:

Time management

I learnt that I dont have the luxury of time to worry about perfecting my vlogs/ hate. I just got to produce it because once I am done, I will have to go back to studies. However, this doesnt mean I can skip on engaging my followers or be careless (for example I made a mistake in the opening of the 2nd vlog). If anything, this serves as a reason why you should execute first and worry later.


This applies to all aspects of my life and not just creating content. For example, I didnt focus during lectures thinking I have the luxury of time to revise them again once they are over. However this caused me to lag behind in lectures, which split over to my vlogs. I edited this vlog late as a result. I have since noticed this and taken actions to prevent it.

Always keep your pipeline full (be documenting)

Towards the deadline of this vlog, I realised that I haven’t been filming and might be short of content. Fortunately I had filmed enough content earlier on contribute to the vlog and achieve my desired length. Always keep your pipeline full so you can have an abundance to choose from.

Audio problems

The hardest part of editing these vlogs is the audios. They range from being too soft to too loud and it’s quite hard to balance everything nicely. I guess this is why the big vloggers update to a camera and mic. For now, I have to focus on getting good audio as I take this as practice for balancing audio.

